Mount Union大学 students in classroom looking at a computer


There is something special about the Mount Union大学.  学生和威尼斯人app下载都把它描述为一种社区和归属感——一个形成纽带的地方, 梦想成真.  这很难用语言来表达, but it can only be made possible by the incredible, supportive community all over campus and throughout the entire Purple Raider family.

Mount Union依靠它的威尼斯人app下载和朋友来帮助保持这种感觉,并通过要求他们以各种方式回馈来延续优秀的悠久传统.



When you make a gift to the Mount Union大学, you create opportunities for today's students to succeed. 在我们最先进的设施中,您对联合山的支持产生了深远的影响, the energy in the classroom as professors share their expertise with eager students, 还有每一位毕业生兴奋的微笑,他们将在世界各地的社区开始充满意义和责任的生活.

因为有威尼斯人app下载的支持,我们的紫袭队可以期待一个更加光明和充满活力的未来, 父母, 员工, 和朋友. 你与众不同!


Your gifts change lives and help prepare students for fulfilling lives, 有意义的工作, 负责任的公民, 同时让他们专注于自己的教育,并帮助他们的后代继续选择联合山.

我代表我们的学生, 教师, 和工作人员, we are deeply grateful to everyone who chooses to give back their time, 人才, and treasure to invest in today’s Purple Raiders, 未来的领导者. 


有很多方法可以对威尼斯人app下载及其学生产生影响. 考虑以下几点:


  1. 参与
  2. 支持在读学生
    • Share your expertise with students in the classroom, 为学生或应届毕业生创造或确定一份工作或实习经历 职业发展办公室,或利用自己的特殊技能来指导学生或进一步推动大学.
    • Contribute consistently with an annual gift to 联合山基金 or another area about which you are 激情ate, and share your 爱 for Mount during 夺宝奇兵给.
  3. 留下遗产
    • Support Mount Union with an endowed scholarship or 教师 position, 另一只具名基金, or a named building or classroom on campus.
    • 留下永恒的遗产 计划的礼物, such as including Mount Union in your estate plans, 设立捐赠者建议基金, 或者建立礼物年金或信托.
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鲍勃·韦克汉姆,68年 Rolled Over His IRA for Good

Family has always been at the center of Bob Wakeham’s ’68 life. Bob applied to Mount Union because of a family connection through his uncle and cousin, 他们都出席了. 他说:“我觉得Mount Union很适合我,因为学校规模较小。. Little did he know the big impact that a small school would make on his future.

他在联合山的时候, Bob became a brother of Alpha Tau Omega and a member of the wrestling team. “I was not a very good student my first year, 但联合山让我觉得自己受到了重视,让我看到了自己身上没有看到的东西.” The close-knit community supported him like family, and although he jokes of having too much fun in college, he found his 爱 for teaching and science early on. 

毕业后, Bob continued his education and obtained two master’s degrees, one in education and another in business administration. 他在克利夫兰教书, 在俄亥俄州待了四年然后在冷战期间在德国国防部任教四年. “教书让我有机会看到世界上好的和坏的地方,否则我永远不会看到这些.” 

1977年,鲍勃从德国回来,开始了新的教育教科书销售生涯. 在接下来的35年里,鲍勃经常出差和搬家. 为了保持活力,他开始在路上跑步锻炼,并开始参加马拉松比赛. 鲍勃最终在50个州都跑了一次马拉松,然后设定了一个目标,要在每个大洲都跑一次马拉松. 他在前五大洲完成了马拉松比赛,然后将目光投向了亚洲和南极洲. His second to last race was the Great Wall marathon in China. 最后,他在南极马拉松比赛中忍受了寒冷的气温、雪和冰. He hung up his running shoes for good in 2016 after successfully completing 75 races. 

今天,鲍勃和他的妻子凯伦住在 俄亥俄州Maineville. They have three children and three beautiful grandchildren who live nearby. 

Bob chooses to support 联合山基金 each year with gifts from his IRA. 尤宁山接受了, and the community believed in me like family, 尽管我遇到了许多困难. 回馈社会的感觉真好. 如果50年前芒特没有相信我,我的人生将会完全不同.”  

鲍勃的财务顾问是那个建议他考虑IRA慈善展期的人,以降低他的应税收入. “很多人都不知道机会就在那里,这很简单,而且要牢记在心。” 鲍勃解释. “鉴于我在生活中所经历的一切, charitable contributions mean more to me now than they did 30 years ago. I feel it is my duty to give back to Mount Union, and giving by IRA allowed me to realize that I can make a larger impact.”


钻石圈庆祝的是一群有着相似愿景的非凡投资者, 激情, 爱, 通过一生的慈善奉献和参与,为联合山赢得荣誉. 这个领导给予社会承认的忠诚的最慷慨的恩人的终身捐赠总计100万美元或更多. 正是钻石圈成员的深刻承诺,使大学不仅能够维持卓越的持久遗产, 成就, 同时也为未来的联合山奠定了基础.


